We love the clothes, we plan the life, we create the moves and we do it with power, wisdom and a body we hope is fit for the future. We’ve worked hard to juggle all the plates, raise the kids, create the career and we dig deep to stay in love, fall in love, and be in love with ourselves, our body, our partners and our life. 

Then as the years roll by, something shifts. We start to wonder where we belong, where to shop, what to think, what to wear and who we are in an ever changing body. 

Does society (still) say it’s time to hang up our heels and our big ambition when we get north of 40 or is it something we’ve unwittingly learnt from the generations that have gone before? 


Do you feel the pull towards the norms of aging slow down, gain weight, stop making waves and generally take a step back?

You can be as young as you’ve ever been because you are - in this moment - AS YOUNG AS YOU'LL EVER BE. 


At an average age of 51 -  1 in 10 women quit their job, divorce rates sky rocket,Aas does obesity, addiction and depression*. It’s also the average time a woman hits menopause, but let’s not blame everything on hormones alone, it’s the emotional wall we unnecessarily faceplant.


You don’t have to conform to the norms of aging, because now you know the 7 universal truths that keeps your body ageless, you’ve slowed down the process from the inside out, you’re removing toxins and along with it excess weight, fatigue, destructive stress and stuck energy.


And most importantly, you’ve opened the portal to possibility. Unbeknown to me, I freed up my body of everything that had been weighing it down using the 7 universal truths and turned a 15% chance of IVF working into a baby girl. I used the same technique to recover from breast cancer in ways that shocked my consultants. It's how I navigated a surgical menopause and it’s how I live my everyday life in a body that’s literally ageless. I researched and studied and understood that everything I’d done, was a universal truth of the body. 



Age is a number, a fact of life, a rite of passage. Right?



We’re born, we revolve around the sun, we eat, think, feel, learn and grow. That’s a fact. 

Yet, it's in the eating, thinking and feeling that differs between us all. And that’s how we become ageless. Because when you give your body *exactly* what it needs and less of what it doesn’t, your body gives back in energy, vibrant skin, sparkly eyes, balanced moods and clear thinking that become the energetic match for the life, body and experience you want. Not for tomorrow, or the end of next month, but for now and always. 


It’s how you now align your life that guides you to uncover and break free from trapped energy that’s making you feel as though you’re walking through treacle. 

You remember being weighed down both physically and emotionally, it felt harder to feel and almost impossible to think  in any other way other than same old same old. Now you know *exactly* what your body needs, it’s time to put your frequency to action in your business, relationships and life.


I have watched countless women try to skip this part, being drawn to the quick wins - doing things to their body; fad diets, destructive habits, surface level change, rather than being back in their body. Living in your frequency changes who you are at a cellular level. It’s not just how your body feels that’s reflected back to you with your life, it’s what you’re capable of that takes on a whole new meaning.


You’ve created a movement, it’s easy to call it momentum, but it’s bigger than that. The old way of doing life, business, relationships, and love have gone. The traditional expectations placed on women are over. You have the power to shape your own life by living your frequency first.

Becoming ageless is a concept, a philosophy, a way to do life that's breaking with the past. It’s one thing understanding the 7 universal truths of the body to fire up your frequency, it’s another a adapting it to life. Because you know, the truth is, how you got here, you can't get there. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


Why This Program is Different?

By focusing on your frequency you’re harnessing the power of different aspects of life that are the bedrock, the elevating platform required to take it to the next level. 

There's no goal setting but a whole lot of creating. Goals are the old way, manifesting a vision is the new. No stone is left unturned because the simple truth is how you do one thing, you do everything.

You might be working on a launch, yet the block might be in a relationship or a parental challenge. You might be shooting for a next level promotion yet the block might be buried in an outdated self concept. You might be restless and searching for your next move yet the block might be a safety trigger that you keep pulling when you’re about to do something big. You might be about to publish, yet the block might be an unresolved family dynamic that’s showing up in different disguises. And, when you’re north of 40, all you keep hearing is this; you’re too old, you’ve left it too late, women should be slowing down, what about your kids, it’s selfish to be putting yourself first now, are you crazy…. 

The reality is, you will go crazy if you don’t act on your deepest desires, on the frequency that’s pulsing through your body, on the facts that are more true to you now than ever before - you’re here for something more. 



🗝️ Week 1: The Truth of Energy and Alignment

Understand how your body holds and shifts energy—and how to align your thoughts, nutrition, and movement to increase your energetic vibration.

🗝️ Week 2: The Truth of Cycles and Rhythms

Learn to honor your body’s natural cycles—hormones, energy levels, and seasons—so you can stop pushing against the current and start working in flow.

🗝️ Week 3: The Truth of Transformation

Discover how your body is always changing and renewing itself—and how your daily choices create the results you see and feel.

🗝️ Week 4: The Truth of Creation and Balance

Master the art of living in your life force. Learn to create sustainable health and energy by balancing thought with life force. It’s how you create the life you’re living now.



As a hybrid 4 week program, we have the perfect blend of private 1:1 mentoring each week (4 in total plus an onboarding call), support via Telegram Monday-Thursday and a library of my guidance, methodology and strategy.

We’ve eaten and consumed the same way for years, we’ve got really good at it and our body has got even better at dealing with whatever we throw its way. This process unwinds the misgivings of the past and sets you up for a magical future, one where the emotional wall has been broken down and the norms of aging have been radically changed.

Weekly 1:1 private mentoring

Daily mentorship with Alex Tuesday - Thursday support via Telegram

My strategy through the Feed Your Frequency Vault.



This program is for women who are ready to play a new game. To lean into all their body has to offer, to have it as their ally to achieve success that has so far felt out of reach. I believe in the truth that our body holds the key to everything we do in life, it is our home , our wisdom and our life force. It’s for women who want to understand how to optimise their energy, to step out of victim culture and take responsibility for how they operate.

I’m not for everyone, I’m direct, I teach in truth to show you yours. I have done the training, both in and out of the classroom and I believe anyone can achieve anything when they have their body on their side.

Feed Your Frequency® is foundational, it’s for women ready to create an exceptional life.



A shift on a cellular level. Energy, thought, emotion, action.


Your body as your ally- speaking the same language.


Comparisons no more- it’s you + you.



It was one of those stories; tragically lost my mum to cancer when I was 15, whole family disappeared the grief was too much, I worked from 16 whilst putting myself through college and university, fell in love (a few times), had an outstanding career, a family, beautifully renovated house, cars on the drive…but nothing filled the gap. The reality was a hard truth to speak out loud, so cancer did it for me. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 42, I’d just seperated from my husband, my daughter was 4, I was in 6 figure debt and I hated the house I’d just spent thousands on.

I had a chance to play a different game, to rewrite old stories, to shift on a cellular level and to become the woman I knew I was capable of. I spent the 18 months recovering from cancer facing my demons, learning how to do it differently by tapping into my inner wisdom and finding the frequency where it all made sense.

I went back to my career as Head of Communication for a ÂŁ2 billion business, with my masters degree in leadership and strategy, knowing I had more to give, a bigger purpose and I knew it had to start in my body. The day I said goodbye to the company that had educated me and kept me safe when I needed it most, I was stepping into the unknown.

The journey wasn’t easy, but worth every bit of discomfort. My work is deep, personal and transformative. I put your body back onto a timeline that gets you where you want to go. I love what I do, I love the joy, connection and trust that never fails to get results.



I am a certified health coach and Integrative Nutritionist at mastery level. A certified business coach and a certified life coach using the TCM method. I am a qualified train the trainer for Stephen Covey (7 Habits Of The Highly Effective) and Mike Dooley's Infinite Possibilities. I have a master degree in leadership and strategy, a 20 year career in hospitality, sales and communications and have been running my own business for the last 8 years. 

For all of my qualifications, it's my life experience that sets me apart as I don't believe you can teach transformation unless you've cracked your own transformation code first. 


  • 4 Weeks
  • Onboarding 90 minute call
  • Weekly private 1:1 mentoring call
  • Telegram support 4 days per week (Monday - Thursday)






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