Mother, Wife, Leader, Mentor, Coach, Marathon Runner, Woman Who..
Has learnt the hard way, has survived cancer, got in and out of 6 figure debt, loved and lost and turned my back on a big career to put my heart and sole into breaking generational health in a way that makes it work. I qualified as an Integrative Nutritionist, Health Coach and Business and Life Coach to create intelligent change. Not just for today, but for millenia.
I want to show all sides of a woman, and how a woman feels in her body and how it directly impacts every aspect of life.

There was something I discovered
It wasn’t something I was taught, it came as a breakthrough that changed me from the inside out. As I was healing from cancer, I tapped into something I’d not felt before; a frequency, an inner wisdom, a source of conviction that created inexplicable magic within me. I felt my body awaken and with it, an energetic match for what I *really* wanted and how to go out and create it.

Women Are Feeling A Shift
Women across the globe are experiencing the same; tired of being told what to do with their body rather than having the strategy to work it out for themselves.
The truth is, you know *exactly* what your body needs, it's just you've tuned out because of all the noise. Every week there's a new trend, fad, promise of a quick fix.. none of them work for any kind of longevity. And being as busy as you are... it's a please can someone just give me the answer.

The Inner Game
I spent the first 30 years searching for a hero to save me. Then another 10 discovering the hero had been in me all along. Now I’m living life according to my own philosophy; find the love and longevity frequency and feed it to sustain a life and legacy to be proud of.
"Alex's lived experience sets her apart from the rest, she gets real results. This has been life transforming"
-Tali Edut- CEO Astrostyle

Your Frequency Awaits
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Feed Your Frequency
I work in different ways, here's just a flavour of what I do.
Book a free call with me today and we'll dive into your specific challenges and explore how I can help you achieve your goals. I'll answer all your questions and help you choose the best path for you.
Prices range from £99 to £888.
Book Your call
Email Alex to book a call to explore options, or book directly here: https://calendly.com/alexldarby/let-s-chat

Email Alex to book a call to explore options, or book directly here: https://calendly.com/alexldarby/let-s-chat